
From ancient texts to recent decades of science-fiction describing a state of complete cultural control by the ruling powers that be, A. Busch remains anonymous in light of the current social standards that may appear as freedom to many while silencing the non-conformist.
Despite the full appreciation of M. Reed's artistic contributions, A. Busch maintains that the readers' focus of attention remain on the work itself, rather than the face, eye, hand or mind behind it.


Miss Anthrop's research into the global conquest of NOW (new organized world) leads her through a bizarre journey of connections between government/finance, media/entertainment and religion/science that reveals a disturbing underworld common thread. Seek the truth to see the lies.

  • Format A4 mit Klebebindung, 102 Seiten, schwarz/weiss illustriert
  • 8.27 x 0.21 x 11.69 inches, 102 pages, illustrated black/white
  • ISBN: 978-3-9524704-6-6
  • Publisher: ‎ Reedaround Books (September 9, 2019)
  • Autor: Anonymous Busch
  • Illustrator: Michael Alan Reed
  • Cover Layout:


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